‘The Ukrainian-Russian border is our border,’ Democrat declares while advocating US aid to Ukraine

During remarks before the House passed a Ukraine aid bill on Saturday, Democratic Rep. Gerry Connolly of Virginia passionately advocated for the U.S. to green-light assistance for the Eastern European nation.

After noting that some people say that the U.S. needs to address its border first, Connolly said, “The Ukrainian-Russian border is our border. It’s the border between depraved autocracy and freedom-loving people seeking our democratic way of life.” He said, “We must meet this test today. We must stand with Ukraine.”

In response to Connolly’s comment, GOP Rep. Matt Gaetz of Florida tweeted, “No it isn’t.”

“Nope, it sure isn’t,” Republican Rep. Kat Cammack of Florida tweeted.

GOP Rep. Andrew Clyde of Georgia described Connolly’s claim as “the America Last Uniparty in a nutshell.”

“This has got to be a joke!!! This is offensive to all Americans,” Republican Rep. Ralph Norman of South Carolina tweeted.

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The House passed the Ukraine aid bill on Saturday in a 311-112 vote. All 112 of the votes against the measure came from Republicans.

Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy heralded the House’s passage of the bill.

“I am grateful to the United States House of Representatives, both parties, and personally Speaker Mike Johnson for the decision that keeps history on the right track,” he noted in a post on X. “Democracy and freedom will always have global significance and will never fail as long as America helps to protect it. The vital U.S. aid bill passed today by the House will keep the war from expanding, save thousands and thousands of lives, and help both of our nations to become stronger.”

The Senate is expected to vote on a package that rolls the Ukraine aid together with other items. President Joe Biden has indicated that he plans to sign it.

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​Gerry connolly, Border, Ukraine, Russia, Southern border, Ukraine aid, Voloydymyr zelenskyy, News 

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