Video: Lunatic Leftist Curses At GOP Poll Greeter, Calls Him A “F***in Animal” & Threatens Him

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This is your brain on CNN

A Democrat voter in Arlington, Virginia made a scene outside a polling station this week when he approached a GOP poll greeter and unleashed a loaded political tirade against the man who filmed the entire encounter.

“You people tried to overthrow the fucking election,” the left-wing Virginian told the poll greeter, apparently referring to Jan. 6th.

Unhinged progressive confronts Republican poll greeter in Arlington, Election Day 2023.

— Matthew Hurtt (@matthewhurtt) November 7, 2023

“You might as well have been walking up to me heading to the polling station and putting a gun to my head trying to tell me not to vote,” the unhinged individual bizarrely stated.

Meanwhile, all the poll greeter was doing was passing out sample GOP ballots for those interested.

Continuing his Jan. 6th rant, the Democrat said, “You fucking try to overthrow elections with violence and then you’re out here among decent people?”

When the poll greeter told the man to “have a nice day,” he kept chastising the man behind the camera, saying he supports “rapist rights” and involves himself “in people’s bedrooms.”

“You fucking animal,” the angry guy said before waving his finger at the poll greeter and threatening him.

“You try to steal my vote next year, I’m gonna fucking remember you personally. In fact, I’m taking a fucking picture,” the loony leftist said before grabbing his phone to snap a photo.

Not failing to miss out on any left-wing stereotypes and talking points, the upset Virginia voter told a bystander the GOP poll greeter “supports lynch mobs” and “the KKK.”

He also said most Republicans are “Bible-beating bigots and freaks” who are “not good neighbors” before finally walking away.

The pathetic anti-Republican temper tantrum went viral online with many internet users mocking the leftist and making memes about the encounter.

— The Right To Bear Memes (@grandoldmemes) November 7, 2023

This guy has “I pee sitting down” energy

— Shabby Boy (@ShabbosBoyem) November 7, 2023

Straight up male Karen. How awful it is to treat others with such disrespect for a difference in opinions.

— Right Angle News Network (@Rightanglenews) November 7, 2023

“I’m gonna fucking remember you personally buster” 👉🏼 😂😂😂

— PoliticalPuertoRican 🇵🇷 𝕏 🇺🇸 (@PRMemes_) November 7, 2023

Always the same look… 😅🤌

— Aaron Nelson (@AaronNelson408) November 7, 2023

The only thing that was missing from this video was him yelling through a surgical mask.

— Adam B. Coleman, President of Aintblackistan (@wrong_speak) November 7, 2023

— The Right To Bear Memes (@grandoldmemes) November 7, 2023

Of course, this tough guy walks away to his Toyota Prius. 😂

— Mac Stoddard (@MacStoddard) November 7, 2023

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