Tennessee set to pass law targeting groomers who recruit and transport kids for sex changes without parental consent

Democrats and other radicals across the country appear keen to enable ideologues to both socially and medically transition children behind parents’ backs despite warnings from scientists, indications that such barbaric practices are based on pseudoscience, and other Western nations beginning to pump the brakes.

In New York, for instance, voters will be given the option on Nov. 5 to sign off on an amendment to the state constitution, which critics suggest would require medical providers to “facilitate a child’s request to make permanent, life-altering ‘gender affirming’ decisions” without first consulting with parents.

On Tuesday, Maine Gov. Janet Mills (D) ratified LD 227, dubbed the “Transgender Trafficker Protection Act” by critics. Blaze News previously reported that the controversial law codifies the right to sex-change mutilations and abortion in Maine, shields sex-change surgeons from consequence, and bars authorities from notifying parents of the locations of their kidnapped children if those kids are said to be seeking “gender-affirming care” in the state. Republican Attorneys General from various states have indicated they will take legal action against Maine over the law.

Amid this controversial campaign to expose confused children to regrettable genital mutilations, Republicans in Tennessee have mounted a counter-offensive — a sword in response to Democrats’ so-called transgender shield laws.

The state legislature passed Senate Bill 2782 this week, which is effectively an anti-trafficking bill that creates a civil cause of action against any adult who recruits, harbors, or transports someone else’s unemancipated child out of state without the consent of the kid’s parents or guardian for the purpose of getting them sex-change medical procedures.

State Sen. Mark Pody (R), one of the bill’s sponsors, reportedly indicated the legislation originally would have included criminal penalties for surgery-seeking traffickers, but those were dropped in committee.

The amended bill passed the Tennessee Senate in a 26-4 vote along party lines earlier this month. The state House, which had a mirror version, gave its final approval to the legislation Thursday in a 63-16 vote.

Tennessee Gov. Bill Lee (R), who previously ratified a law barring health care providers from mutilating children’s genitals and administering them puberty blockers, is expected to ratify the legislation.

Human Rights Campaign, a powerful LGBT activist outfit, condemned SB 2782 ahead of Thursday’s vote, suggesting it was part of a “tsunami of discriminatory legislation follow[ing] a brutal cadence of discriminatory laws enacted in recent years.”

The HRC cited a number of other recent Republican legislative successes in the Volunteer State such as “the business bathroom sign law and the drag ban,” noting also that “Tennessee has repeatedly banned transgender students from playing school sports, forbidden students from using the correct bathroom at school, allowed government contractors providing child welfare services to discriminate with taxpayer dollars, restricted transgender youth from accessing age-appropriate, medically necessary health care, attempted to undo marriage equality, and more.”

SB 2782 may ultimately deter prospective traffickers from exposing children to treatments that Britain’s National Health Services are now reevaluating. The NHS is taking a step back in the wake of a damning investigation it commissioned, which revealed:

there is “no clear evidence that social transition in childhood has any positive or negative mental health outcomes”;
puberty blockers compromise bone density and have no apparent impact on “gender dysphoria or body satisfaction”;
there is “a lack of high-quality research assessing the outcomes of hormone
interventions in adolescents with gender dysphoria/incongruence, and few
studies that undertake long-term follow-up”;

clinicians are incapable of determining which prospective child victims might alternatively grow out of their confusion; and
an absence of “good evidence on the long-term outcomes of interventions to manage gender-related distress.”

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​Sb 2782, Tennessee, Parental rights, Children, Kids, Trans, Transgender, Sex change, Lgbtq, Lgbt, Bill lee, Republican, Mark pody, Trafficking, News 

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