Standards of care or standards of death?

My daughter Grace went into the hospital with a cold. Hours later, she was on a Vapotherm, then a BiPAP. She was dead six and a half days later.

I went to a different hospital three days after Grace’s death. The team put me on a steroid, a regular oxygen cannula, and nebulized budesonide and gave me a probiotic, a multivitamin, vitamin E, vitamin D, and fish oil. I was significantly worse than Grace. I had the same diagnosis: COVID-19 pneumonia with a D-dimer off the charts. But I was turned around in 24 hours.

Standards of care hasten death. Strangely, these same medical staff will someday kill themselves by following their own model.

Why the different outcome? The hospital where Grace was killed treated the COVID diagnosis with the standard of care. The hospital where I survived treated the patient.

We know that 1.2 million Americans were killed in hospitals during the COVID era. America was number one in this category of all countries on the planet. Second was India, with a population 400% of the United States and fewer than half the deaths.

Our medical-industrial complex is drunk on the SOC model. Why?

We finished up the first round of doctor and nurse depositions on May 23. Their attorneys required a last-minute gag order just to take their depositions. So I can’t share the video or transcripts until the judge rules on the matter.

I do want to share some important observations from the depositions, to help others see what is going on behind the curtain relative to “caring” for the patient.

First, you have to fight the lies embedded in the medical records. In my testimony, I stated we could make a highlight reel with all the lies. This is important because the burden of proof is on the plaintiff, and medical records are presumed true unless you can prove otherwise. The records are called prima facie evidence. This reality is another reason medical murder cases rarely see the light of day. I believe the deposition record contains evidence of numerous lies under oath by the defendants. I had heard about doctors and nurses lying under oath, but when you see it for yourself, you see how deep the corruption is.

The presumption of death in the Ascension Hospital system is appalling. Their internally developed Ascension COVID Guidelines start with the premise that they are managing a death outcome instead of treating the patient with a goal of living. Their COVID “experts” bought the incentivized protocols all the way to the bank; they became state actors in the government’s scheme. Their arrogance led them to believe there would be no consequences for their actions.

We never consented to the med combination that killed Grace. We were asked about the use of tocilizumab and the ventilator. Why? I learned this was because those protocols were “experimental” and so needed consent. They have adopted the idea that consent (informed or otherwise) is no longer necessary in a hospital setting.

The hospital staff acted as if Grace was “do not resuscitate” because we refused the ventilator, which came with a 90% kill rate. She was written off because we disagreed with the $300,000 ventilator payday.

The irony of a medical malpractice lawsuit is that you cannot hold individuals accountable unless they violate the standards of care they are sworn to uphold. A lawsuit has nothing to do with truth or justice. Praise God that we can share the truth because of the lawsuit. The resulting justice will be that those with ears to hear will be awakened to the reality that the doctors are no longer the gods we’ve made them into. If the doctors and nurses repent, this would be the ultimate justice, as repentance means to “turn away from” — to stop killing with SOC.

Medical staff following the COVID standards of care killed patients. Standards of care hasten death. Strangely, these same medical staff will someday kill themselves by following their own model. Truly, those who live by the law die by the law.

The entire medical-industrial complex is built on this model. All the training, insurance coding, Medicare and Medicaid reimbursement rates, doctors’ incentive pay structure, licensing, joint commission reviews, lawsuit immunity — all of it is based on the SOC model that is designed to hasten people’s deaths. Members of the medical establishment have bought into the lie that we have too many people to sustain life on a planet with limited resources. They’re playing the ultimate long game with our lives.

How is this documented culling even possible? As my friend Vera Sharav, a Holocaust survivor, often reminds me, “The Holocaust could not have happened if they didn’t get the doctors to cooperate.”

​Opinion & analysis 

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