Spineless Christian leaders pave the way to American Babylon

Last week, we heard loud and clear who the Spirit of the Age believes its enemies are.

Thanks to Joe Biden’s Department of Justice, we learned ministering to young women seeking to kill their children would be viewed as a high crime, when pro-life activist Lauren Handy was sentenced to nearly five years in prison after she and others blockaded a Washington, D.C., late-term baby-murder facility in 2020.

Maybe we should pay better attention to what signals we are receiving this time than we did during COVID.

Then we watched tens of thousands of people sign a petition to have Kansas City Chiefs kicker Harrison Butker fired for saying Catholic things at the Catholic commencement ceremony for the Catholic Benedictine College in Kansas, followed by a letter of disavowal from the NFL itself.

Butker clearly would have been better off visiting massage parlors like the Cleveland Browns DeShaun Watson or New England Patriots owner Robert Kraft. Or maybe flee the scene of an accident he caused while driving erratically like his teammate Rashee Rice. Or assaulting his pregnant baby mama like Buffalo Bills linebacker Von Miller. Or being charged with assault via strangulation like Tennessee Titans’ running back Hasan Haskins.

Because there are no petitions to be seen there. That only happens when you uphold the dignity of life, marriage, family, and men and women like Butker did. Yes, the NFL will support the thug life over the good, the true, and the beautiful any day of the week now and twice on Sundays.

Maybe we should pay better attention to what signals we are receiving this time than we did during COVID. Maybe we should not let the rogue justice system and the NFL get away with what the National Institutes of Health is doing now, as its representatives admit in broad daylight before Congress what myself and others were censored, shunned, and threatened for looking at data, pointing it out, and sharing it with people like you.

We were told Francis Collins, who led the NIH during COVID and only recently retired, was a Christian. We were told he was one of us. If there was ever a time to have a spirit-led, spirit-filled believer who understood that science and faith don’t have to be at war, COVID was it.

But when it was time for the former head of the Human Genome Project to display the fruit of the spirit during a time when we needed Collins’ leadership the most, we were fed a host of lies and oppression in the form of lockdowns, masks, and poisonous jabs while churches were literally shut down and pastors, in some cases, were made enemies of the state.

One of the most frightening verses in the entire Bible is when Jesus says in Matthew 7:21-23, “Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. Many will say to me on that day, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name and in your name drive out demons and in your name perform many miracles?’ Then I will tell them plainly, ‘I never knew you. Away from me, you evildoers!’”

I think that applies to Francis Collins, and I think it will also apply to all of those in power who now fail to read the signs of the times and let pro-life heroes or Kansas City Chiefs kickers be sacrificed to the gods of wickedness and destruction.

The shepherds of the flock with the power to do something are without excuse. Everyone must put their C.S. Lewis sorting caps on and decide whether they want to be counted with the Lord or among the liars or the lunatics.

To that end, Pope Francis said in an interview over the weekend that conservative Christians are people who “cling to something and do not want to see beyond that. It is a suicidal attitude.”

Well, with a hot take like that from anyone claiming to be a Christian leader, pro-lifers can expect to rot in jail whether or not they actually show up to protest at a baby-killing clinic, and it won’t only be commencement speakers who are canceled but entire Christian universities as well.

The American Babylon is right around the corner because of the fecklessness and cowardice of our Christian leadership, if we aren’t in fact already living there.

​Opinion & analysis 

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