Mind-control drugs and elite rituals? Conspiracy theorists were RIGHT AGAIN!

Conspiracy theorists have been among the most ridiculed class for years, drawing the ire of liberals and conservatives alike.

But that might be about to change, because they’re usually right.

When the CIA was testing psychedelic substances on unwitting individuals as part of a multi-decade research program into finding a mind-control drug to use on communist spies, conspiracy theorists sounded the alarm bells.

The program is known as MK Ultra.

“MK Ultra turned out to be 100% true,” Pat says.

“Your government’s been experimenting on Americans forever,” Keith agrees.

Not only have they been experimenting on Americans — they’ve been watching them.

In 2013, former CIA employee Edward Snowden revealed that several Western governments, including the U.S., U.K., Australia, and Canada are engaged in a global surveillance program on both foreign and domestic citizens in cooperation with major telecommunications companies.

“Big brother is watching you after all,” Pat says, before moving on to the next conspiracy theory — that the Reagan government played a role in the importation of massive amounts of coke, which fueled the crack epidemic of 1980s and ’90s.

In 1996, the theory gained credibility when investigative reporter Gary Webb confirmed that the CIA wittingly allowed large amounts of coke to be imported into the United States.

Even Kanye West made reference to the conspiracy in his song “Crack Music,” writing, “How we stop the Black Panthers, Ronald Reagan cooked up an answer.”

Even the tinfoil-hat-wearing favorite, Bohemian Grove, has been proven true.

“The idea that the world’s rich and powerful all get together in secluded garden parties and engage in strange cult-like rituals is almost as cliche as conspiracy theories get. That being said, it’s actually a faithful description of what goes on at the aptly named Bohemian Grove,” Pat says.

“I think there’s also allegations of eating babies and that kind of thing,” he continues. “I don’t know if that part is definitely true, but the carousing includes a ritual entitled ‘The Cremation of Care,’ where dark-cloaked and hooded Grove attendees burn an effigy in front of a 20-foot concrete owl.”

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