How racial dogma fuels the left’s attacks on Trump

Donald Trump has challenged the priorities of the prosecutor in his hush money case by highlighting the decay of New York City. The connection Trump draws is not superficial. It is rooted deeply in the racial politics of the city and the progressive left more widely.

The reason progressive Democrats want to jail Trump over a dalliance with a porn star — a gravely serious dalliance, they would say — is the same reason they let insane vagrants terrorize subway riders with impunity. It is the same reason that they will never close the southern border and the reason they will always make martyrs out of black men killed by police, no matter the circumstances.

Trump’s impenitence threatens the progressive political order and the deadly but delicate lies upon which it rests.

Anti-white demagogue Joy Reid said the quiet part out loud by celebrating the “poetic” optics of Trump, the evil avatar of white America, being held “accountable” by the first black prosecutor of Manhattan. Reid’s honesty is appreciated. It is true that Trump’s trial is about something much more than it appears on the surface. He challenges our society in a fundamental way, and the deranged backlash against him cannot be explained without reference to a deeper cause than his superficial foibles.

Before Trump entered politics, it was considered preordained that America would be invaded continuously with Third Worlders. America would become more diverse, and white people would humble themselves. Most consequently, society would learn to live with more crime and danger, rather than punish disproportionately nonwhite criminals.

Trump took all of these racial dogmas and spit at them. This apostasy from Trump is what Biden actually means when he calls his opponent an enemy of “our democracy.” What makes Trump dangerous is that he enjoys a freedom unknown to most Americans, who have been cowed into self-reproach and a tortured politeness. By now, the average American has had it drilled into his head that it is better to get mugged or killed than to be thought a “racist.”

The impenitence of Trump threatens the progressive political order and the deadly but delicate lies upon which it rests. If you read the insidious “mainstream” media, violent crimes by illegal aliens are statistically meaningless, and public concern over them is not worth risking an anti-immigrant backlash. Nothing can be permitted to get in the way of America’s quiet, inexorable transformation into an extension of Mexico. After all, we are a nation of immigrants.

The crime wave is, according to the Biden campaign and its surrogates, simply a delusion of the masses to whom Trump is playing pied piper. The chaos that inevitably comes with the progressive project of “diversity” must be made to appear as the most natural thing in the world. Beneath the regime’s gaslighting is the Orwellian message that barbarism is America’s fate. It is our cross to bear for the original sin of white supremacy.

Under Biden, this deranged precept has been allowed to work itself out at lightning speed. The border has been thrown open, causing a flood of literally millions to pour in. In cities where liberals have all the power, a subset of the population has been permitted to torment the law-abiding majority with impunity.

All this madness ends up playing to Trump’s advantage. He bluntly calls violent migrants “animals,” and his honesty is appreciated. His opponent is preoccupied with throwing up distractions and defending the honor of “the undocumented community,” itself a euphemism for millions of lawbreakers.

Behind the witch hunts, Trump’s real crime, the thing that makes him a satanic figure in the liberal imagination, is his bold, tireless refusal to lie to himself and everyone else by paying honor to the left’s fictions. Above all, he rejects the anti-white insanity of the time, an act requiring great courage, for which he has suffered immensely. Amazingly, he has not given up yet. By refusing to surrender, Trump raises the hope that a better, saner way of life remains possible.


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