God’s will isn’t a mystery: Follow these 3 biblical truths

I believe that walking in God’s will and making decisions with confidence are impossible without the power of the gospel at work in our lives.

Why? Because the gospel is attached to our purpose, and the gospel transforms us. When we have placed our faith in Jesus Christ, we receive a brand-new heart (2 Corinthians 5:17), and a new heart will supernaturally result in a new direction.

Purpose is found in Christ alone. Keep your gaze fixed on him.

As we reflect on our purpose and the way we approach decisions (with the wisdom of God versus in the foolishness of this world), living out the three truths below will be a game-changer for our past, present, and future.

1. Repent of sin, turn to Christ in faith, and commit your life to God’s glory.

I like to say that no Christian ever graduates from the gospel.

Can I encourage you to go back to the gospel again and again? You need it, I need it, and it takes us back to the foundational reality that we can do nothing apart from Christ (John 15:5). The gospel is a wellspring of living water to the parched soul. The gospel turns the bitter heart sweet with grace. The gospel melts the heart of stone into a soft and submissive vessel. You need the gospel to live out God’s will.

There is no greater next step toward purpose than to turn from sin, put your faith in Jesus Christ, and commit to live for his glory. If you’ve never done that, today is the day of salvation — you can be born again and experience how Christ makes all things new.

If you’ve been saved by his grace, go back to that first love that changed your life and renew your commitment to live for him all the more.

2. Focus on Christ as the key to your purpose.

Identity is everything.

Walking in the will of God starts with walking in your identity. Jesus doesn’t save you and then say, “Okay, now you take it from here. Muster up the strength to be good enough, to stay saved, and get yourself to your destiny.” Instead, the Bible reminds us that growth begins with our gaze. Where are you looking? If not on Christ, you won’t make it.

Do you remember the story of Jesus walking on water and the lesson Peter learned in the process?

Matthew 14:28-31 tells us: “Peter said to Him, ‘Lord, if it is You, command me to come to You on the water.’ And He said, ‘Come!’ And Peter got out of the boat, and walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But seeing the wind, he became frightened, and beginning to sink, he cried out, ‘Lord, save me!’ Immediately Jesus stretched out His hand and took hold of him, and said to him, ‘You of little faith, why did you doubt?’”

Peter started out with his gaze fixed on Christ, even committing to do whatever the Lord asked. Before he knew it, he was walking on water! But the miracle was short-lived because Peter took his eyes off the one who called him out of the boat in the first place. He sank into the waves that the one who called him out of the boat controlled.

How often do we fall into the same pattern? We’re all in, only to take our eyes off the one who calls and sustains us. Purpose is found in Christ alone. Keep your gaze fixed on him.

3. Reject the worldly opinions of fools.

With what Proverbs says about fools in mind, along with Paul’s instruction to put away worldly patterns and walk in a manner worthy of your calling, you can confidently reject the opinions of those who live their lives for self-glory and self-satisfaction and boast that they are self-made.

Instead, choose to heed and treasure the divine wisdom God provides for your purpose.

There will be days when the Enemy will lie to you and put temptations in your path that invite you to take shortcuts, give up, or see God’s will as little more than a cosmic killjoy meant to ruin the fun of life. The devil is predictable, having tempted Christ with the same self-serving routine, only to fail. He will fail with you as well if you stick to God’s word over his wicked lies. One of the primary ways he will assault you is through the peer-pressuring opinions of fools.

Turn down the lies; turn up the truth.

Taken from “Walking in God’s Will” by Costi Hinn. Copyright ©March 2025 by Zondervan. Used by permission of Zondervan, www.zondervan.com.

​God’s will, Bible, Gospel, Jesus christ, Christianity, Christian, Costi hinn, Faith 

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