Disney’s woke ‘Snow White’ on life support

Mirror, mirror on the wall … just how far will this film fall?

Rachel Zegler’s “Snow White” hits theaters March 21, but Disney isn’t rolling out the red carpet for the live-action film. Try rolling it up, to be more accurate.

As producer Harvey Weinstein famously said, ‘Hollywood has the best moral compass.’

Fancy “Snow White” film premieres in Los Angeles and London have been scrapped or tweaked mere days before its global release.

Live-action Disney films typically print money, but Zegler has been a one-woman PR nightmare for the project. She infamously insulted the source material, saying it was “weird” and insisting that her version would be empowering.

More recently, she hoped Trump voters will “never know peace.” She backpedaled almost immediately, but her radioactive brand tripped a few Geiger counters.

Oh, and she’s totally pro-Palestine and co-starring with former IDF soldier Gal Gadot. Awkward!

Now, box office gurus think the film may not crack $50 million in its opening weekend. And we didn’t even mention how the project initially used traditionally sized actors to play the story’s “dwarfs” as a woke sop, only to scrap that plan for animated figures.

As Mickey Mouse might say, “Oh, boy …”


He’s the king of the world and, apparently, master of the tear ducts.

James Cameron’s wife, Suzy Amis Cameron, emerged from an early screening of his third “Avatar” film, subtitled “Fire and Ash,” shaken beyond words.

The director said his wife sobbed for four straight hours post-screening. That’s roughly 40 minutes longer than the film itself.

“She kept trying to get her s**t back together so she could tell me specific reactions, and then she’d just tear up and start crying again. Finally, I’m like, ‘Honey, I’ve got to go to bed. Sorry, we’ll talk about it some other time,’” he laughs.

Guess that decision to do a crossover with “The Notebook” paid off …

Gipper ghouls

Will Ferrell sank to a new low by flirting with a comedy about President Ronald Reagan’s dementia.

The project imagined Ferrell as an addled Gipper stumbling his way through his second term in office. Hilarious! And totally accurate!

(Although you’d think a more recent president might have provided a lot better material …)

The public outcry was swift and uniformly negative, with Reagan’s adult children sharing the most disgust. Ferrell quickly dropped the project. It remains dropped to this day.

As producer Harvey Weinstein famously said, “Hollywood has the best moral compass.”

Recently, John Oliver tried to one-up Ferrell. His latest “Last Week Tonight” episode touched on Reagan anew. The far-left “comic” responded to a fellow Democrat who praised Reagan to smite President Donald Trump.

Oliver’s response?

“And I will admit there are positive things you can say about Reagan, like ‘He was our only president to make a movie with a chimp,’ or ‘He’s dead,’ but his moral clarity might come as a surprise to any gay people who lived through the 1980s.”

If you’re wondering where the jokes are in that rant, you’re not alone …

Better to burn out …

Mick Jagger famously sang, “What a drag it is getting old,” with the Rolling Stones.

Yet the rock legend appeared at the recent Oscars telecast looking remarkably spry for an 81-year-old. Amazing.

Other rock icons haven’t been so lucky.

Phil Collins is still processing his inability to play the drums at 74 due to chronic health woes. Ozzy Osbourne, 75, accepted his Rock and Roll Hall of Fame honors for his solo work late last year while seated on a bat-themed throne.

Now, Billy Joel is cutting his current tour short to focus on his health. The 75-year-old is recuperating from surgery to address an undisclosed illness but vows to be back on the road soon.

The irony is palpable. These rockers provided the soundtracks to our youth, and every time they perform, they take us back to those days. It’s transformative. Yet we struggle to process their battles with Father Time.

Take Jagger’s Stones. They’ve been mocked for their advanced age — “look, the Rolling Bones,” yuk-yuk. Yet whenever they grace a stage, they remind us that music can make us forever young.

That’s priceless.

Get better soon, Piano Man.

​Movies, Christian toto, Culture, Entertainment, Snow white, Hollywood, Billy joel, Rachel zegler, Toto recall, Disney, Woke 

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