‘Bring the intifada home’: Far-left groups plan next phase of  protests in the US

Far-left groups are openly planning the next phase of their disruptive protests within the United States as the anti-Israel encampments on college campuses are winding down with the school year ending.

In a document titled, “Bring the Intifada Home,” referring to the two waves of terrorism in Israel that claimed thousands of lives, Escalate Network outlined the principles protesters learned while camping out on colleges. Escalate Network is an account on X that was created in April of this year, as the encampments were spreading to colleges across the county.

“We must escalate our actions against all governments, institutions and corporations who participate in, profit off of, and enable genocide. There must be consequences to their property, income, reputation, privacy, and safety,” Escalate Network posted.

‘We refuse to police and surveil each other and remember the enemies are the state, the pigs, and the war profiteers.’

— (@)

Far-left groups like Escalate Network have often criticized protesters who agree to disband their encampments after negotiating some concessions from their school. In their view, promises to look at divestment, for example, are not enough.

“We have nothing to gain by working with government, cops, or the administration. We do not negotiate. We do not share information about each others’ identities. We do not seek permission to act. We lean on each other not the state in any of its forms- for radical care, safety, and support,” the group explained, adding, “We embrace many methods of attacking our enemies. Whatever is effective, destructive, fun, creative, creates leverage, disrupts power, or changes minds is welcome. We refuse to police and surveil each other and remember the enemies are the state, the pigs, and the war profiteers.”

At the University of Oregon, five protesters chained themselves to a building on campus, with the administration seemingly choosing to ignore them over the weekend.

— (@)

The encampment at the University of Washington agreed to disband after occupying a quad for several weeks. In return, protesters got the college to open a Center for Scholarship of Palestine, convene a military industrial and labor task force, and give the protesters representation on a divestment committee, according to KUOW.

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