Blaze News original: 10 disgusting, shameful examples of the militant left exacting its will against those in its way

What’s the limit of the militant left’s violence, bullying, and fascism? It’s not likely we’ve seen its ceiling yet.

Blaze News has covered the awful behavior of the militant left for as long as it’s been publishing stories, and it doesn’t appear it’s going anywhere fast.

‘Off our streets Nazi scum! Off our streets Nazi scum!’

As the 2024 presidential election approaches, it’s wise to remind ourselves how destructive and dangerous militant leftists can be as we keep trying to get people in office who will stand up to them. In this collection of vignettes, we revisit 10 times the militant left has crossed way over the line.

One of the worst was when a violent leftist mob was caught on a viral video following, converging upon, and threatening Republican U.S. Sen. Rand Paul of Kentucky and his wife on a Washington, D.C., street after the 2020 Republican National Convention. “They were yelling threats. They were trying to push the police over to get to me. They were grabbing at us, and it got worse and worse and worse,” Paul told Fox News the following day.

Then, there was the viral moment when Antifa members were caught on video screaming at a tiny, white-haired woman using a walker, “Off our streets Nazi scum!” and blocking her path in a crosswalk outside a conservative event … and the time when an unhinged leftist was caught on video screaming high-pitched orders at motorists in the middle of a road, “Do black lives matter to you?!” One woman doesn’t answer correctly — and things get scary.

Remember the shameful moment when two out-of-their-minds females got caught on video ripping up signs supporting then-President Donald Trump and stealing a red “Make America Great Again” hat while a 7-year-old boy cried and chased after them with his mother?

It may be that the depths to which the militant left will sink knows no bounds. If that’s true, we’re in for an even bumpier ride for the foreseeable future.

Violent leftist mob caught on video following, converging upon Rand Paul, wife on D.C. street after 2020 RNC: ‘They were yelling threats. … They were grabbing at us, and it got worse and worse and worse’

A violent leftist mob was caught on video chasing and converging upon Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) and his wife on a Washington, D.C., street after the 2020 Republican National Convention outside the White House.

Viral video caught the throng of shouting, pushing protesters harassing Paul and his wife as police tried to protect them. The next morning, Paul shared more about what happened: “Just got attacked by an angry mob of over 100, one block away from the White House. Thank you to @DCPoliceDept for literally saving our lives from a crazed mob.”

Several officers can be heard hollering to the mob to move back as they yell back, “Say her name!” in reference to the Louisville police killing of Breonna Taylor. One officer can be seen trying to push back demonstrators with a bicycle, but the mob surges toward the officer, and Paul grabs the officer’s arm to prevent him from falling.

In an interview the next day, Paul told Fox News, “They were yelling threats. They were trying to push the police over to get to me. They were grabbing at us, and it got worse and worse and worse.”

Rep. Brian Mast (R-Fla.) said he also was harassed on a D.C. street following the RNC. Mast, a veteran who lost both legs during a 2010 Afghanistan tour, shared video of his encounter and added: “They thought I would be an easy target because my prosthetics move slowly. They were wrong.”

In the clip, a small, white woman with pigtails angrily asks Mast, “How do you feel about police killing black people in this country?” As she and others in the mob get closer to Mast’s face, she orders Mast to “answer the question I am asking you!” Mast attempts to answer the question several times, but she grows increasingly loud and continues repeating the question — this time with hand gestures to hammer home her demand. At this point, Mast is completely surrounded by demonstrators who are growing increasingly agitated.

Antifa members scream at tiny, white-haired woman using walker, ‘Off our streets Nazi scum!’ and blocking her path in crosswalk outside conservative event

Masked left-wing protesters identified as Antifa were caught on video screaming at a tiny, white-haired woman with a walker, “Off our streets Nazi scum! Off our streets Nazi scum!” outside a conservative event at a Canadian college on the evening of Sept. 29, 2019.

As they blocked the elderly woman’s path in a crosswalk, an elderly man accompanying her shot back a retort to the mob, after which one protester screamed at him, “Don’t f***ing touch me! Don’t f***ing touch me!”

You can view video here of the jaw-dropping actions.

A crowd of about 100 protesters against the event at Mohawk College in Hamilton, Ontario, stood outside with signs advocating for immigrant rights and yelling chants denouncing those entering, comparing them to Nazis and neo-Nazis, the CBC reported.

Supporters of the People’s Party — some wearing “Make America Great Again” hats, the iconic symbol of President Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential campaign — stood behind police and engaged with protesters for about an hour.

A scuffle broke out in the crowd, and police led away in handcuffs two men from opposing sides of the protests, the CBC reported. There were four arrests for “breach of the peace,” Hamilton police told the outlet, adding that all were later released without conditions.

Leftist Alyssa Milano suggests she’s proud of unhinged shoppers who drove woman from supermarket for not wearing COVID mask — and the activist actress gets pulverized for it

Left-winger Alyssa Milano — the mostly activist and sometimes actress — started off her eventful 2020 Memorial Day weekend with a viral, virtue-signaling declaration showing her crocheted COVID face mask and encouraging others to post similar photos. After Milano got mocked into oblivion for her mask’s relatively large holes, she lashed out at her critics, calling them “assholes” and then saying her mask “has a filter in it for f***’s sake.” Uh, charming.

Milano was nothing if not on a roll, hopping back on social media on Memorial Day to seemingly praise a mob of shoppers who cursed out and drove off a woman from a supermarket for not wearing a COVID mask: “Never been prouder of growing up in Staten Island,” she wrote in reference to the viral video.

As you’d expect, plenty of leftists support Milano’s tireless activism on their behalf, and they showed it with comments in support for her post. But others blasted her.

“You’re the most Un-American person I have ever encountered Alyssa. Your failures in life are well deserved.””You’re proud of this behavior???””I started loving you decades ago, but it has been harder & harder to support you as the years go by. I ABSOLUTELY agree with wearing masks, but the fact that you condone & support this type of behavior is horrible. Instead of growing up you seem to be more childish all the time.””The people yelling with masks are likely spreading more virus than a silent maskless person.””Oh …. you like bullies??””Reread ‘1984,’ or probably for the first time.””Yes, let’s encourage people to become angry mobs. OR, someone could have gone over to an employee and asked they speak to the customer without the mask. OR, if the store doesn’t have a policy of requiring masks, the screaming lunatics should shop somewhere else. But, you do you.””Proud?!? Treating people like that is disgusting.””Yeah because Mob Rule is the best!”

Regarding the video in question, a number of customers began screaming demands at the maskless woman such as “Get the f*** out of here!” and pointing to the store’s exit while others were heard hollering, “Get out!” and calling her a “dirty ass pig!” The woman reportedly left the store.

A spokesperson for ShopRite — where the incident took place — told CBS News in a statement Monday that store management reported it to authorities. ShopRite added to the network that customers who notice others without face coverings should tell customer service instead of taking matters into their own hands.

Unhinged leftist screams at motorists in middle of road, ‘Do black lives matter to you?!’ One woman doesn’t answer correctly — and things get scary.

George Floyd protesters were caught on an absolutely insane video descending upon a Maryland street near Interstate 270 in early June 2020 — and one unhinged, ultra-confrontational leftist took it upon herself to scream a question at passing cars: “Do black lives matter to you?!”

One motorist seemed all in and answered affirmatively with his fist raised, so the self-appointed toll booth collector let the driver pass. But one woman made the mistake of completely ignoring the protester’s screamed question as she passed by, after which the leftist in a high-pitched holler called her a “f***in’ white piece of s**t!” and a “bitch!” — and even appeared to challenge her to a fight: “Oh yeah?! You wanna f***in’ go, Karen?!”

Arriving at the driver’s window, the protester screamed, “Until black lives matter, no lives matter!” The driver made a reference to people of different colors, presumably as a way of communicating that all people are equal and then said to get out of her way. But the screaming protester wasn’t having it, hollered back at the woman, then stood in front of her vehicle. Then things got a little scarier.

Other protesters joined in the fray and began assembling near the vehicle; “She ain’t goin’ nowhere” a male declared as a protester banged on the hood of the woman’s SUV.

Either frightened, angry, or both, the driver leaned into her horn for a spell — but it was no use: “Whatcha gonna do?” the same man apparently repeats. “You’re not goin’ nowhere.”

Check out the video here.

As you might imagine, social users weren’t happy with the protesters’ tactics, and some made it clear how they would respond if in the same situation:

“Yep… I’d have pulled out my 357 mag.””They closed a lot of mental hospitals in the 70’s and 80’s. We could use them again now. If standing in traffic and screeching accusations at people you’ve never met isn’t nuts, I’m not sure what is.””This is terrorism.””They don’t even know they are the fascists.””All the more reason to carry.””A new cult rises.””I would have backed up and come at them full speed.”

Leftist thug backed by violent mob punches man after cornering him on DC street on election night 2020 — then it’s an Antifa gang-up special before victim escapes with bleeding head

On election night 2020 in Washington, D.C., the usual leftist suspects decked out in Antifa garb surprised no one as they tried to cause as much unrest as possible. But one scene in particular attracted a fair amount of attention on social media.

Cell phone video captured a large crowd of leftists filling a street and most of a sidewalk at Black Lives Matter Plaza when a bearded man wearing a white shirt and dark jacket tried to pass by — but a hooded individual pressed up to the man and wouldn’t let him pass.

It isn’t clear what — if anything — the leftist asked, but it appeared as though the smiling, bearded man simply wanted to proceed down the sidewalk with as little trouble as possible, and it seemed like he nodded and said something that ended with “lives matter.”

With that, the leftist fired a lightning-fast punch to the man’s face. The victim tried going after his attacker, but one of the leftist’s comrades descended upon and briefly wrestled with the victim — yet the bearded man still managed to land a couple of punches upon his second opponent. Soon several other leftists in typical leftist fashion ganged up on the victim — including one who appeared to hit him with what looked like a bat, and upon impact it seemed to resonate with a metallic “plink.” Somehow the victim got up and quickly walked away.

Soon the victim was seen walking down a street with the assistance of another man who managed to keep at bay the leftist gang that apparently followed from the attack site. Brendan Gutenschwager, the journalist who captured the action, said the victim’s head was bleeding. The victim remarked that he was hit in the head with a glass bottle as he and the man who helped him eventually arrived to the safety of a police line.

Amid such intense racial strife dominating the headlines, it was powerful to see a black man standing up and helping the injured white victim. This man then confronted the leftist mob by emphasizing in no uncertain terms that the victim is “a human being.”

“Y’all think this s**t is cute?” he told them. “That man has rights just like everybody else. And throwing s**t at somebody doesn’t solve the problem. The election is going on.”

Pair of leftist females caught on video ripping up pro-Trump signs, stealing MAGA hat while 7-year-old cries are indicted on hate crime charges

The two Delaware females who were caught on video ripping up signs supporting then-President Donald Trump and stealing a red “Make America Great Again” hat while a 7-year-old boy cried and chased after them soon after were indicted on hate crime charges.

Olivia Winslow and Camryn Amy — both 21 and from Wilmington — on Sept. 8, 2020, were indicted by a New Castle County grand jury on charges of second-degree robbery, second-degree conspiracy, endangering the welfare of a child, third-degree assault, attempted third-degree assault, offensive touching, and felony hate crimes, Delaware Online reported.

Three of the seven charges are felonies and collectively are punishable by 15 years in prison, the outlet said, adding that the hate crime charges could lead to the most prison time. Winslow and Amy were released on bail, a spokesman for Delaware Attorney General Kathy Jennings told Delaware Online. The outlet said it’s unclear when they are to be arraigned.

The cell phone video — recorded Aug. 20 near the venue for the virtual Democratic National Convention — shows two females harassing a mother and her young son. The females ripped pro-Trump signs and stole a MAGA hat sitting near the boy, whose mother recorded the altercation. The boy can be seen running after the females and saying, “That’s somebody else’s hat!” Soon he starts crying. The mom and son followed the females through a parking lot as things heated up.

At one point, the boy sees another hat on the ground, and when he goes to retrieve it, one of the females actually appears to stomp her foot to prevent him from picking it up. The video doesn’t show whether she makes contact with the boy’s hand. But when a man the mom apparently knows attempts to intervene, the same female appears to hit him in the face. Soon she tosses the stolen hat over the fence. The other female then throws part of a ripped sign over a fence as well. The same female who appeared to hit the man in the face and stomped her foot near the boy’s hand went after the mom, as the camera seems to show the female taking a swipe at her. Soon the clip ends.

As you can probably guess, the court dealt with them leniently. While they were sentenced later in September on misdemeanor charges of theft, child endangerment, and hate crimes, Delaware Online reported that neither of them would go to jail. Instead, Judge Francis J. Jones agreed to the prosecutors’ recommendation to sentence the pair to multiple counts of conditional probation.

Left-wing, bullying rioters splash paint on elderly woman, get in her face when she stands up to their police precinct attack: ‘This isn’t your world anymore!’

On the 70th night of left-wing protests in Portland, Oregon, over the summer of 2020, rioters decked out in dark clothing and helmets attacked the East Precinct of the city’s police on Aug. 6. Amid the rioting and vandalism at the precinct, KOIN-TV reported that officers were hit with projectiles that included glass bottles and rocks — and cops said one officer was severely injured after taking a large rock to the shoulder.

In the middle of all that, the station said an elderly woman who said she lives in the neighborhood pleaded with the group to stop the vandalism and stood in the way of those who were splashing paint on the plywood outside the building.

Then, they actually splashed paint on her, too, KOIN noted. But instead of realizing how far out of hand they’d gotten, the violent left-wingers started yelling at the elderly woman: “This isn’t your world anymore!”

When she began yelling back at the rioters, one of them walked over with yellow crime-scene tape and placed it on her before wrapping it around her head

After the elderly woman hollered at the crowd that “we died for you!” the same leftist who wrapped the crime-scene tape around her head — and towers over her by a foot — rushed back and got in her face, leaned down, and yelled at her. It’s not clear exactly what either of them said, but the elderly woman appeared to tell the rioter that she took part in marching. A female rioter was heard yelling at the elderly woman, “Put your mask on, bitch! Put your mask on!” Check out the clip here.

The rioters doubled down on their tactics against elderly women at the precinct after noticing one — using a walker, no less — was in the process of trying to extinguish a fire in a trash can. But Antifa is nothing if not thorough. KOIN noted that the woman “was blocked by a person dressed in all black.”

Comrades of the courageous leftist blocking the woman were heard off camera laughing at and mocking her with one finally saying, “Just let her do it! Let her do it. It’s the highlight of her life! C’mon, we wanna see it!” The rioter ended up moving left and right in front of the woman as she tried to extinguish the fire. As a chant of “all cops are bastards!” in the background, the elderly woman with the walker got a shot into the can and put out the fire. Check out the clip here.

Antifa bro smashes up Portland church — then house of worship is forced to close its shelter, halt homeless program that provides meals to hundreds daily

Surveillance video shows a homeless person on the night of Nov. 4, 2020, curled up on the sidewalk outside the doors of St. Andre Bessette Church in downtown Portland, Oregon. Then, into the camera frame comes a marching group of black-clad Antifa militants. One of them approaches the area where the homeless person is curled up, pays no attention to the individual, and promptly smashes the church’s doors and windows.

A church leader who filed a police report told officers the church was forced to close its shelter and halt homeless services because staff can’t safely open or close the building’s extensively damaged doors. St. Andre Bessette serves several hundred people a day, providing shelter, meals, and other services to homeless individuals, police added.

“Until I can get the building secured, everything’s coming to a stop,” Father Tom Gaughan told KGW-TV. “So there’s hundreds of people that we would normally give out food to, and we’re not gonna be able to because of this.” Gaughan added to KOIN-TV that he’s also suspending church services, including mass, until the building is secured.

“We ask for everyone’s prayers for peace in our streets, which is so long overdue and pray for our sisters and brothers who call the streets and shelters home,” Gaughan also told KOIN. “Because the act of one person has prevented us from providing for hundreds of people over the course of a week.”

You can view a video reporter here about the crime.

‘I’m gonna f*** you up’: Video shows Antifa thug getting in face of GOP candidate running against Nancy Pelosi, saying he wants him ‘dead’

In early 2020, cell phone video showed John Dennis — chairman of the San Francisco Republican Party — conversing with a bearded guy who Dennis identified as an Antifa member. The problem, apparently, was that Dennis was running against Democrat Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi in the fall.

The Antifa agitator told Dennis — who was there helping a street cleanup effort — “Bruh, I’ma gonna catch you when all the cameras aren’t around, and I’m gonna f*** you up.” And that’s just for starters.The bearded guy also told Dennis that “I want you dead.” The Republican naturally wondered why.

“Because you’re a piece of s**t,” the Antifa guy told Dennis.

OK, and how could he possibly tell?

“Because you’re racist,” the aggressor continued.


Then, when the GOP candidate rightly argued back, asking the bearded guy how he could possibly come to that conclusion, the Antifa guy offered an insight that pretty much sums up the leftist state of mind: “I can tell by looking at you.”

Dennis posted a video Feb. 4 that offered more insight on what happened between him and the Antifa fellow. Dennis explained that he learned 30 to 40 Antifa members showed up to protest the cleanup effort just because Republicans were involved — and the guy in the yellow shirt seemed to want to stand out from other Antifa members dressed in dark clothing. He also stood out for other reasons, Dennis added, after flipping over a canopy and threatening various individuals in the crowd. The yellow-shirted Antifa guy seemed to be “giving backbone” to the “rest of the lightweight Antifa,” Dennis noted.

It was at that point that Dennis said he tried talking to the yellow-shirted guy, and then the threats happened. Dennis added that what’s not seen on the clip is that he approached the Antifa agitator again and with some “rough language” informed him that he wasn’t going to be intimidated — which is when our bearded hero departed and “the crowd lost a lot of its fight.” While Dennis said, “Violence is just unacceptable,” when push comes to shove and threats are issued, “You gotta stand up to them.”

Leftist thug — accused of kicking man in head from behind and knocking him out after repeatedly punching him — is sentenced to prison

Marquise Love — accused of kicking a man in the head from behind and knocking him out cold after repeatedly punching him amid a Portland protest in August 2020 — was sentenced to 20 months in prison later in the year, KOIN-TV reported.

You can view a video report here showing the head kick.

Love received the sentence after pleading guilty to third-degree assault and felony riot as well undergoing “months of pretrial negotiations and a judicial settlement conference,” the station said, citing the Multnomah County District Attorney’s Office.

More from KOIN:

His guilty plea acknowledges that he caused physical injury to the victim, identified as Adam Haner, and that ‘he and others engaged in tumultuous and violent conduct and created a grave risk of causing public alarm.’

The DA’s office said Haner, as well as law enforcement, the court and the state, found the resolution in this case ‘appropriate.’ Haner was not personally at the sentencing hearing on Monday, but has previously said in interviews with the media that he hoped Love would learn from what happened.

Love apologized to the victim in court, according to the DA’s office, and reportedly expressed genuine remorse.

After his time behind bars, Love will have to complete 36 months of probation, KOIN reported, adding that any violations could result in additional prison time. He also must undergo an alcohol abuse evaluation and comply with any recommended treatment, the station said.

Portland police identified Love as the suspect seen in cell phone videos repeatedly punching a man who was forced by a mob to sit in the street after which the suspect kicked the victim in the head from behind and apparently knocked him out.

The beating began after the victim was trying to get away from violent protesters and crashed his truck — then a mob descended upon him.

Haner, recounting the incident to KPTV-TV, said he was yanked out of his vehicle and hit the ground, after which the mob “wouldn’t let me get up” — and then the beating began.

“I was just standing for myself as a citizen,” he told the station, “and if you can’t do that on a street, then what can you do?”

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​Antifa, Physical attacks, Leftists, Militant left, T3, Crime 

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