Biden once again tells his debunked Amtrak story, but this time twice in one visit

President Joe Biden’s various
inconsistencies might warrant criticism, but some of his consistencies may be grounds for concern. Once again, the country’s oldest-ever president — who celebrates his 81st birthday on Nov. 20 — managed to tell the exact same factually questionable story twice over just a brief period.

Biden visited the Amtrak Bear Heavy Maintenance Shops in Bear, Delaware, on Monday. During his brief visit, he twice regaled those who would listen with the tale of his conversation with an Amtrak conductor named Angelo Negri — a conversation that apparently took place a year after Negri died and over 20 years after the conductor’s retirement.

First, Biden told the debunked story to a group of Amtrak workers.

Biden again tells the widely debunked story of an Amtrak conductor congratulating him for traveling more than a million miles as VP.nnThe conductor retired from Amtrak in 1993. This never happened.

— (@)

Moments later, he told the story again when
announcing his administration’s $16.4 billion investment in projects along the Northeast Corridor.

In the second iteration with the aid of teleprompters, Biden said, “When I was vice president, I flew over a million miles on Air Force Two, but I traveled further than that on Amtrak over the years. … So, when I was coming home to see my mom and I just — she was living with us at the time; my dad passed away. And I got on the train on a Friday, and — I won’t get him into complete trouble; I’ll just tell his first name. He was number two in seniority at the time, Angelo.”

It’s unclear why Biden figured he might trouble the dead with his story.

Biden again claimed that Negri approached him, grabbed his cheek, and teased him about a report that he had flown 1.2 million miles while serving as vice president, noting he had traveled even more on Amtrak.

“And I said, ‘How did you figure that?’ He said, ‘Well, 118 days a year, almost 300 miles a day, 36 years, plus as vi —,’ then he went on, the whole deal. And I said, ‘I believe you, Ang. Let me get on the train, will you?'”

Biden u2014 for the second time in less than an hour u2014 repeats the widely debunked story about an Amtrak conductor congratulating him for traveling more than a million miles on Amtrak as vice president.nnExcept the conductor retired in 1993, making the story impossible.

— (@)

stressed that Biden’s story is false for more than one reason.

“First, he could not possibly have had this exchange with Negri: He did not reach the million-miles-flown mark as vice president until September 2015, according to his own past comments, but Negri had died more than a year earlier, in May 2014. Second, Biden’s mother was not dying at the time he reached the million-miles-flown mark. In fact, she had died more than five years prior,”
reported the outlet.

The White House failed to respond to CNN’s requests for comments this week, just as it did the last time Biden spun the yarn.

The New York Post
indicated that Biden has now told the false Amtrak story 12 times as president.

The tale of an impossible conversation with Negri is not the only story Biden has repeated in short succession in recent months.

Blaze News
previously reported that on Sept. 20, Biden attended a Manhattan fundraising event hosted by Amy Goldman Fowler, a billionaire heiress who has long poured cash into Democratic war chests and pro-abortion groups.

Biden told the tale of why he decided to run for president, then minutes later repeated the same story nearly word for word — including the
false claim that former President Donald Trump meant to include white identitarians in Charlottesville, Virginia, when suggesting there were “fine people on both sides” of the Confederate statue debate in 2017.

When later pressed about why Biden “would fully retell a story in the same space, same event,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre said, “The president was speaking at a fundraiser and he was speaking from his heart.”

Blaze News
recently detailed the findings of a Pentagon-funded study concluding that “an increasing number of cleared personnel — that is, personnel who hold or have held security clearances — have or will have dementia.”

People with Alzheimer’s disease, the most common cause of dementia, may repeat statements and questions over and over, eventually
forget the names of family members and everyday objects, and/or have trouble finding the right words for objects or expressing thoughts, according to the Mayo Clinic.

A New York Times/Siena Poll published Sunday
revealed that 71% of respondents agreed with the statement, “Joe Biden is just too old to be an effective president.” And 54% of respondents who voted for Biden in 2020 agreed with the statement. By way of comparison, only 38% of respondents suggested former President Donald Trump was too old to be an effective president.

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​Joe biden, President joe biden, Alzheimers, Dementia, Amtrak, Angelo negri, Mental health, Gerontocracy, News 

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