Glenn Beck and BlazeTV hosts REACT to last night’s presidential address

Last night, President Donald Trump delivered a speech to a joint session of Congress — his first presidential address since his historic return to the White House. His words were full of hope as he celebrated “the dawn of the golden age of America,” the long list of wins the administration already has under its belt, and the victories that have yet to come.

“I return to this chamber tonight to report that America’s momentum is back. Our spirit is back. Our pride is back. Our confidence is back. And the American dream is surging, bigger and better than ever before,” he said.

Throughout his 90-minute speech, President Trump continually returned to the most pressing issues that still face our nation: a hurting working class, an economy that is far from recovered, and millions of illegal immigrants who remain in the country, among others.

BlazeTV hosts Glenn Beck, Liz Wheeler, Allie Beth Stuckey, Steve Deace, Stu Burguiere, Jill Savage, and Matthew Peterson share their thoughts on the address.

“This speech was awesome,” says Liz Wheeler, BlazeTV host of “The Liz Wheeler Show.” “This man was in command. He was untriggered by these ridiculous, silly people, like Al Green.”

Glenn points out that Trump’s composure is evidence that a shift has happened: The old Donald Trump was “reacting, reacting, reacting” and “always attacking” in response to the left’s incessant efforts to sabotage him. But now, “he blows it off” as Democrats spend all their time “attacking.”

The way the party has been acting since Trump’s return to the Oval Office is evidence that Democrats “don’t know who they are any more,” he says.

Allie Beth Stuckey, BlazeTV host of “Relatable,” points out how Democrats “could not even muster the courage to clap, to honor the women who have been murdered by illegal aliens” or “clap for the little kid who was diagnosed with brain cancer.”

How they think that will “[work] on the American people” is beyond her.

Steve Deace, host of the “Steve Deace Show,” calls the Al Green cane-shaking stunt and the refusal to clap “on brand for the Democrats.”

Petulant liberal antics aside, the “line of the night,” he says, was when President Trump said “to the children of America: You are perfect the way God made you.”

Jill Savage and Blaze Media editor in chief Matthew Peterson, hosts of “Blaze News Tonight,” were equally impressed with the speech.

Peterson praises the president’s ability to “[summarize] and [bring] together all of the things he has done” into “one big, beautiful speech,” which is so needed when much of the country either “isn’t paying attention” to what’s going on or is getting fake news from mainstream media.

“Trump is a master of rhetoric in the digital age,” he says.

Jill was heartened by President Trump reiterating that God saved him to make America great again.

“I think that he truly believes that,” she says. “He now knows that there is an end to his life. … He now believes that he is still on this earth to make a difference while he still can, and I think that is such a powerful thing.”

There was, however, one part of the speech that some of the hosts were concerned about.

Glenn says that when President Trump broached this particular subject, he found it “a little frightening.”

To hear what it is, watch the clip above.

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​Blazetv, Blaze media, Blazetv hosts, Glenn beck, Steve deace, Allie beth stuckey, Liz wheeler, Stu burguiere, Jill savage, Matthew peterson, Donald trump, Presidential address, Blazetv specials 

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