KJP suggests videos of Biden’s latest mental lapse are ‘deepfakes’ — but there’s nothing fake about these 5 incidents

President Joe Biden joined former President Barack Obama and a handful of Hollywood script-readers in Los Angeles over the weekend to raise money for his re-election campaign. Unlike excerpts of the heavily edited video of the event circulated online by Democratic operatives, Chris Gardner of the Hollywood Reporter
shared raw and uninterrupted footage showing the 81-year-old presidential candidate freezing up once again following a shaky interview. In the uncut video, Obama then grabs Biden by the wrist and guides him offstage.

As this was one of a series of instances in recent weeks where Biden appeared stunned and momentarily paralyzed, the White House and Biden boosters further afield — both foreign and domestic — worked vigorously on damage control.

In the
White House press briefing Monday, press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre leaned on a narrative cooked up in the pages of the Washington Post and other allied publications, which suggests that unflattering videos of Biden are “manipulated.”

Jean-Pierre attempted to attribute the term “cheap-fakes” originated with the press, but it was White House senior deputy press secretary Andrew Bates who initially trafficked the term in media statements.

“That’s exactly what they are. They are cheap-fakes video,” said Jean-Pierre. “They are done in bad faith.”

Even though the latest video came from a reporter at a left-leaning publication, Jean-Pierre stressed that “the
right-wing critics of the president have a credibility problem because … fact-checkers have repeatedly caught them pushing misinformation, disinformation.”

The American people have far more to go off than recent videos of Biden ostensibly locking up to conclude that his mental decline is worsening; that he is severely limited in his ability to execute the duties of his office; and that he is altogether too old to hold office — as they have concluded in
recent polls.

Below are five glaring and well-documented examples of Biden gaffes, lapses, and collapses that might warrant suspicion of the White House’s denial.

1. The time-traveling president

After suggesting that “Trump and his MAGA friends” were an obstacle to America realizing its grand potential at a February campaign event in Las Vegas, Biden
said, “You know, right, right, right after I was elected, I went to what they call a G7 meeting. All the NATO leaders. And it was in — it was in the south of England. And I sat down and I said, ‘America is back.'”

Blaze News
previously reported that the 47th G7 Summit in Cornwall, England, was held just months before Biden’s deadly withdrawal from Afghanistan.

“And Mitterrand, from Germany — I mean, from France, looked at me and said — said, ‘You know, what — why — how long you back for?'” said Biden. “And I looked at him, and the — and the chancellor of Germany said, ‘What would you say, Mr. President, if you picked up the paper tomorrow in the London Times, and London Times said, ‘A thousand people break through the House of Commons, break down the doors, two bobbies are killed in order to stop the election of the prime minister. What would you say?'”

“I never thought about it from that perspective. What would we say that happened in another democracy around the world? Well, the whole world watched — the whole world watched. And what’s going on?” added the president.

Biden not only misstated, corrected, then once again misstated François Mitterrand’s nationality but erred in suggesting he was alive.

Mitterrand was not the chancellor of Germany Biden allegedly spoke to but rather a former French president who died in 1996.

Biden revealed on another occasion that he might be mentally at least two years behind the time, noting in 2022, “There’s a lot of reason to be hopeful in 2020.” Even then, Mitterrand was firmly out of earshot.

According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, people with dementia have problems with memory; attention; communication; reasoning, judgment, and problem solving; and visual perception beyond typical age-related changes in vision. Forgetting names and old memories are among the signs of dementia highlighted by the agency.

2. ‘Where’s Jackie?’

Republican Rep. Jackie Walorski of Indiana died in a
car accident on Aug. 3, 2022.

Biden eulogized her later that day,
writing, “Jill and I are shocked and saddened by the death of Congresswoman Jackie Walorski of Indiana along with two members of her staff in a car accident today in Indiana.”

The Democratic president noted further, “We may have represented different parties and disagreed on many issues, but she was respected by members of both parties for her work on the House Ways and Means Committee on which she served. She also served as co-chair of the House Hunger Caucus, and my team and I appreciated her partnership as we plan for a historic White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health this fall that will be marked by her deep care for the needs of rural America.”

The White House flew the American flag at half-staff for two full days, and Biden even called the family to offer his condolences,
reported the New York Post.

While at the White House Conference on Hunger, Nutrition, and Health the following month, Biden revealed that the memory of a partner’s recent passing failed to stick.

“And I want to thank all of you here, including bipartisan elected officials like Representative McGovern, Senator Braun, Senator Booker, Representative — Jackie, are you here? Where’s Jackie?” said Biden, according to the White House’s own transcript. “I didn’t think she was — she wasn’t going to be here — to help make this a reality. And thanks to Senator Stabenow, Representative DeLauro for their leadership.”

3. Doubling down

Biden, who
indicated in an interview years ago that he “could drop dead tomorrow,” addressed donors at a swanky Manhattan campaign reception hosted by billionaire real estate heiress Amy Goldman Fowler in September 2023.

Biden shared a revisionist account of what events prompted him to run for office, referencing the “Unite the Right” rally in Charlottesville, Virginia, in 2017, and recycling the
false claim that former President Donald Trump suggested there were “fine people on both sides” as if to include the white identitarians in Virginia at the time.

According to Jonathan Lemire, White House bureau chief for Politico and political analyst for MSNBC — hardly a right-wing critic — Biden finished telling this story, then told it “again, nearly word for word.”

The White House transcript
confirmed that Biden repeated the story nearly verbatim.

Jean-Pierre did not suggest the official transcript was a cheap-fake or deny that Biden was ostensibly playing for a crowd on a loop. Instead, she said he was “speaking from his heart.”

4. Doubling over

Biden has unfortunately suffered a number of falls and stumbles since taking office in 2021. Three incidents in particular stand out.

On March 19, 2021, the staircase onto Air Force One proved too much for Biden to handle.
Video shows the Democrat, then 78 years of age, scaling the stairs with a firm hold on the handrail. His right leg appears to buckle, sending him stumbling forward. Biden then corkscrews onto one knee, regains his footing, then completes the climb.

Blaze News
previously reported that Jean-Pierre blamed the fall on the wind.

“It’s pretty windy outside,” said Jean-Pierre. “It’s very windy. I almost fell coming up the steps myself.”

On June 1, 2023, Biden made an appearance at the graduation ceremony for the U.S. Air Force Academy in Colorado Springs. After shaking the last of the graduates’ hands, Biden collapsed. While White House communications director Ben LaBolt
suggested Biden had tripped over a sandbag.

Days after stumbling up the stairs to Air Force One again, Biden went for an ill-fated bike ride near his Delaware beach house in June 2022. He rode up to a crowd, slowed down, then collapsed onto his side.

The White House indicated Biden did not ultimately need medical attention.

5. Regime change

Biden has confused country names, wars, and his sister with his wife. He has accidentally undermined painstakingly crafted American foreign policy and called on people to honor the Holocaust. Biden has also unwittingly snubbed foreign leaders. There was one occasion, however, where Biden confided in his own faculties and went off-script that proved more risky than the others.

One month after Russia invaded Ukraine, Biden delivered an address in Warsaw, Poland, condemning the illegal action and underscoring that the battle ahead against autocracy will take time to win.

Toward the end of his speech, Biden deviated from his prepared remarks and suggested what was then interpreted by many — including those in the Kremlin — to be a call for regime change in Moscow.

“For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power,” Biden said in reference to Vladimir Putin.

CNN noted at the time that the White House rushed to correct the president, stating, “The President’s point was that Putin cannot be allowed to exercise power over his neighbors or the region.”

“He was not discussing Putin’s power in Russia, or regime change,” said a White House official.

“My gosh, I wish they would keep him on script,” said Sen. Jim Risch (R-Idaho). “Any time you say or even, as he did, suggest that the policy was regime change, it’s going to cause a huge problem. This administration has done everything they can to stop escalating. There’s not a whole lot more you can do to escalate than to call for regime change.”

While the suggestion to an antagonistic nuclear power that the U.S. wanted its government overthrown was provocative, Biden accidentally risked provocation a second time that trip, implying to American soldiers in Poland that they were headed into Ukraine.

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​Joe biden, Senility, Alzheimers, Dementia, Elder abuse, Elder, Biden, Decrepitude, Top 5, Politics 

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