Warmonger Victoria Nuland Pushes For Strikes On Russian Bases

Estimated read time 4 min read

Globalists pushing humanity to brink of WWIII

ABC News’ Martha Raddatz talked with ex-Biden administration Under Secretary of State for Political Affairs Victoria Nuland about the war between Russia and Ukraine on Sunday.

During the interview, Nuland claimed America needs to give EVEN MORE military support to Ukraine since Russia is clearly winning the fight.

She told Raddatz, “They need to be able to stop these air attacks that are coming from bases inside Russia. So, I think there’s also a question of whether we, The United States and our allies, ought to give them more help in hitting Russian bases which we’ve not been willing to do.”

Asked if she thinks Ukraine should strike military bases inside Russia, Nuland confirmed she does and blamed Russia for “escalating” the war.

Raddatz pointed out the Biden administration believes Ukraine striking Russian bases would escalate the war and drag the U.S. further into the conflict.

“So, why do you think that’s a good idea?” Raddatz bluntly asked Nuland.

The former Biden official again suggested Russia, not the U.S. or Ukraine, is escalating the war.

Nuland went on to bizarrely claim Russian President Vladimir Putin wants to “restore the Soviet Union” and that he’s “willing to sacrifice the future of Ukraine and the Russian people” for his “crazy imperial ambition.”

She added, “I think the Covid period when he was in isolation just made him more and more paranoid.”

Regarding Republicans and the millions of American citizens who don’t support the country funding Ukraine’s fight, Nuland promoted the unsupported theory that Putin won’t stop at Ukraine and will begin invading NATO countries next.

The relentless warmonger also pointed out the military-industrial complex is making a fortune off the war, bragging the weapons manufacturers supplying Ukraine with weapons employ people in 30 U.S. states.

Internet users roasted the globalist warhawk:

“Queen of Darkness” Victoria Nuland is back, demanding that the US openly facilitate strikes by Ukraine on targets inside Russia — something the Biden Administration had previously insisted would never happen. A once-unfathomable escalation, which now barely raises an eyebrow pic.twitter.com/11BF95xO7C

— Michael Tracey (@mtracey) May 19, 2024

WAR: Disgraced warmonger Victoria Nuland is calling to direct strikes against Russia. She is desperate to have US troops in Eastern Europe to protect her interests in Ukraine. pic.twitter.com/Prf5nldxu2

— @amuse (@amuse) May 20, 2024

ARREST Victoria Nuland for Biological War Crimes, Treason, Genocide and using CIA Colour Revolutions to overthrow Foreign Governments.

Obama’s 4th Branch of Government requires complete decimation. pic.twitter.com/MatVate09K

— Liz Churchill (@liz_churchill10) May 20, 2024

This crazy woman wants us to attack Russia.

If you’re one of those people with a Ukrainian flag in your bio I hope you’re ready to send your own kids to fight in Ukraine.
Because it will happen if Nuland gets what she wants. https://t.co/pl0Kk7myZj

— Sean Parnell (@SeanParnellUSA) May 20, 2024

Oh, look, war loving Victoria Nuland wants America to help Ukraine target bases inside Russian territory.
Is there a more evil woman on planet Earth than this neocon psychopath? pic.twitter.com/0FBGj0GDqf

— Vince Langman (@LangmanVince) May 20, 2024

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