Video: Joe Scarborough declares, without evidence, that Trump ‘will execute’ and ‘will imprison’ people if he’s elected again

Joe Scarborough, co-host of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” went off the rails in a rather jaw-dropping rant Tuesday morning saying that former President Donald Trump, if elected again, “will execute” and “will imprison” people.

What did Scarborough say?

“He’s not a normal candidate,” Scarborough said. “He is running to end American democracy as we know it. He’s an authoritarian who a court in Colorado two days ago ruled that he led an insurrection against the United States government. He’s charged with leading schemes to help overthrow the United States government.”

While noting that Democrat President Joe Biden “supports American democracy,” Scarborough said Trump “supports a new form of government here that’s authoritarian. It’s really that simple.”

After dismissing pushback from Trump supporters that the former president isn’t a “Nazi” and isn’t a “fascist” and hasn’t done anything that would reflect such claims, Scarborough began his rant.

“What hasn’t he done?” Scarborough asked. “He hasn’t done the things that the American judicial system did not allow him to do last time but may very well allow him to do this time. Or a judicial system that will be ignored by Donald Trump and ran over by Donald Trump to create the greatest constitutional crisis of our lifetimes.”

Further defying logic, Scarborough continued his passionate declaration without any facts or evidence regarding what the future holds in the face of another Trump White House: “Just because he hasn’t done it yet doesn’t mean he won’t do it when he gets a chance to do it. And if he is voted into office, then a lot of these people that are talking about ‘literal’ or ‘figurative’ or whatever the hell they’re saying, you’re gonna look like idiots.”

In case you don’t get it already, Scarborough apparently sees all and knows all: “Because he will do, he will get away with, he will imprison, he will execute whoever he’s allowed to imprison, execute, drive from the country. Just look at his past. It’s not really hard to read.”

— (@)

Here’s more hand-wringing from Tuesday’s “Morning Joe” segment:

Joe: It’s time fascism is called fascism and Americans know exactly what they’re voting for

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​2024, Donald trump, Election, Joe scarborough, Msnbc, Watch, Execute, Imprison, Morning joe, News 

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