CNN defends laugh of Kamala Harris by accusing anyone criticizing VP’s cackle is ‘playing into sexism’

CNN came to the defense of Vice President Kamala Harris by accusing anyone criticizing her laugh is “playing into sexism.”

Harris recently appeared on the “The Drew Barrymore Show,” where she defended her laugh from critics.

“Like, apparently, some people love to talk about the way I laugh,” Harris told Drew Barrymore.

Barrymore buttered up to Kamala by saying, “I love your laugh.”

“Well, let me just tell you something: I have my mother’s laugh,” the vice president told the actress-turned-talk show host who swooned. “And I grew up around a bunch of women, in particular, who laughed from the belly.”

“They laughed. They would sit around the kitchen and — drinking their coffee, telling big stories with big laughs,” the VP said.

“I be, you know, I’m never going to be — (she imitates a high-pitched laugh) — that’s just — that is just — I’m not that person,” Harris stated.

“And I think it’s really important for us to remind each other and — and our younger ones: Don’t be confined to other people’s perception about what this looks like and how you should act in order to be. Right? It’s really important,” she said.

Barrymore added, “I love your laugh. And I love that message.”

— (@)

In a recent CNN article, the outlet defended Harris and claimed: “The vice president is clearly feeling energized these days. She is more engaged. She is looser.”

“For all the efforts, the campaign and Harris’ own staff still aren’t quite sure what people make of her,” CNN admitted. “In the last few months, they invested in asking voters about her, including having the Democratic National Committee pay for focus groups in Milwaukee run by an operative who has long worked for her. The bad news: Several people said Harris rubs them the wrong way, in all the ways that are familiar from criticism of her.”

CNN stated, “A few specifically cited her laugh — a frequent target of Republican operatives who flood clips of it on social media, which defenders say plays into sexism.”

The outlet claimed, “The good news, as described to CNN by several people familiar with the findings: People said they would much rather hear from Harris than Biden on abortion, guns, student loans, and Gaza.”

The Republican Party’s RNC Research account has posted multiple videos of Harris “laughing uncontrollably” during official appearances on social media.

— (@)

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​Drew barrymore, Kamala harris, Sexism, Cnn, Kamala harris word salad, Kamala harris laugh, Kamala harris cackle, News 

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