‘It’s Time For Them to Return Home to Afghanistan!’ – French Conservatives Outraged After Afghans Riot in Downtown Paris

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The alleged motive for the rioting is the murder of an Afghan migrant by another Afghan migrant.

There were serious riots in the French capital over the weekend, in which several hundred Afghan immigrants were seen rampaging through the streets. A number of viral videos have been circulating on the internet, which show groups of Afghan men attacking passing cars, setting off smoke grenades, tossing garbage cans and tables, and shattering shop windows.

“No media broadcast the images, but Afghan rioters sowed chaos in the streets of Paris. It’s time for them to return home to Afghanistan!” wrote Marion Maréchal, a candidate for Reconquête.

Aucun média n’a diffusé les images, mais des émeutiers afghans ont semé le chaos dans les rues de Paris.
Il est temps pour eux de retourner chez eux, en Afghanistan ! pic.twitter.com/cYHBlciDus

— Marion Maréchal (@MarionMarechal) April 21, 2024

The background to the violent protests is said to be a murder case involving Afghan immigrants. According to reports in the daily newspaper Le Parisien, on April 7, a migrant shot two of his companions for unknown reasons and then tried to cover up the double murder by arson. 

Apparently, he underestimated the rapid development of the fire and fell from the seventh floor during his escape, resulting in his death.

The Afghan community responded to this murder case by rioting in Paris. However, despite the dramatic scenes, they were not broadcast on the major French television networks, a point many conservatives criticized.

Dimanche après -midi à Paris : des afghans déclenchent des émeutes. Tout va bien. pic.twitter.com/xdDJsyF4UU

— Damien Rieu (@DamienRieu) April 21, 2024

Several French politicians expressed their anger over the incident. The chairman of the National Rally, Jordan Bardella, wrote on X: “Afghan demonstration that degenerates into a riot in Paris: I have had enough of our country having become the doormat of the world, the country where we can do anything with total impunity. Our primary commitment will be to put France back in order.”

Manifestation afghane qui dégénère en émeute à Paris : j’en ai assez que notre pays soit devenu le paillasson du monde, le pays où l’on peut tout se permettre dans l’impunité la plus totale.

Notre engagement premier sera de remettre la France en ordre. pic.twitter.com/lHyIeqnc5V

— Jordan Bardella (@J_Bardella) April 21, 2024

A commentator on the television channel CNews, Véronique Jacquier, spoke in connection with the images of the rioters displaying a “logic of street conquest.” The events were a sign of a “completely failing and weak state.”

Riots are commonplace in France, with foreigners spreading chaos and violence on a periodic basis, all the way from sporting events to protests over perceived injustices.

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