Yes, the left will go nuts. Will we be ready?

Rich Lowry bestowed on a recent column this provocative title: “Brace Yourselves: The Left Will Roil the Country Again If Donald Trump Beats Joe Biden.” No kidding! For Trump’s enemies on the left, Lowry pointed out, “saving democracy doesn’t mean upholding the rules no matter what and letting the voters decide the election and the fate of the next president. No, it means blocking Trump by any means necessary, regardless of the consequences for the rule of law, democratic politics, or faith in our system of government.”

Lowry, who has distinguished himself in recent years as an unabashed Trump-basher, tried to be evenhanded in expressing his disdain. He let it be known, for example, that the left is “understandably alarmed by [Trump’s] conduct after the 2020 election and how he’s branded his political comeback as a revenge tour.” Lowry also seemed swayed by Robert Kagan’s accusations in the Washington Post that “Trump has brought the United States to the brink of dictatorship.”

Joe Biden’s team is already trying to build the presidential campaign around the “January 6 insurrection” and ranting against the new Hitler who incited this supposed threat to American democracy.

Still, Lowry advised using “the standard means of political organization and persuasion” to defeat Trump. Doing anything more drastic doesn’t sit well with this critic, at least not for the present.

Allow me to extract from Lowry’s commentary the part that seems to me true. There is indeed an excellent chance the left will go nuts if Trump squeaks back into the presidency. Lowry is certainly correct that “the reaction will make the pro-Hamas protests that have roiled campuses and disrupted transportation nodes around the country look small by comparison.” Think George Floyd riots but on a scale that dwarfs even those!

And the left will also organize throughout other hollowed-out, one-time Western constitutional democracies (like Germany and Canada) to drive home their dissatisfaction with the American electorate. I would expect to see our cities set aflame, with race-baiting Democratic politicians on hand to incite mob violence.

As in the George Floyd riots, the corporate press here and among their counterparts in other Western countries will justify the violence as “righteous indignation” and, if things really become unruly, place the blame on “MAGA Republicans.”

This organized violence will be justified on the grounds cited by Kagan, namely that a Trump victory will be tantamount to a fascist takeover of “our democracy.” European leaders have been bellyaching about this danger for months as they note with dismay a populist resurgence on the continent.

Unfortunately, the right here or in Europe cannot match the weapons held by the left, particularly its control of education, the mass media, and the political administration. And the disadvantages besetting our side in this country also bedevil kindred spirits in other Western countries.

Most significantly, the left can unleash violence and be sure the media will justify their action and blame it on “racists,” “homophobes,” and “rightist populists.”

During the hardly spontaneous violence of the “Summer of Love” in 2020, the continuing Portland riots, and then the organized attempts to threaten and bully uncooperative politicians and Supreme Court justices, we see the left’s handiwork.

Joe Biden’s team is already trying to build the presidential campaign around the “January 6 insurrection” and predictably ranting against the new Hitler who incited this supposed threat to American democracy. Of course, the far greater violence unleashed by the Left has been simply whited out by the media and our totally weaponized Department of Justice.

In this escalating confrontation, the right (or non-left) is perpetually disadvantaged. Only the other side is allowed to exercise physical intimidation and unleash violence on its opponents, while any attempt by those targeted to protect themselves in a similar fashion is denounced by the mass media and permanent state as “racist” or “neo-Nazi.” Those police who try to protect the politically incorrect victims know they will not receive the same level of support as those who stand with the left. The border will remain open to allow millions of illegal aliens to come in, whom the left will then enlist for its continuing takeover.

One can’t describe this subversion of constitutional government by woke globalist capitalists, cultural radicals, and entrenched political administration bleakly enough. But what seems even more important is looking for those who will resist it. In the United States, resistance is still possible because there has been a sizable populist pushback, and there is even the possibility of electing a chief executive who Lowry is afraid will engage in a “revenge tour.”

Let there be a “revenge tour,” but it must be systematic and persistent, no matter how destructively the left acts and no matter what forms of violence it unleashes. It is ridiculous to believe our problems will be solved by offering another Republican caretaker government that serves out its term before the left comes back (assuming it ever leaves) to wage unholy war on the normies. Vivek Ramaswamy’s suggestion to fire three-quarters of the federal bureaucracy is a good start.

But the purges and defunding must go much farther to have any meaning. And if the left predictably takes to the streets, there should be dire consequences.


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