Dems’ behavior at Trump’s speech means one thing: Coexistence is OFF the table

The ideological divide that separates conservatives and liberals has grown into a gaping chasm, especially since the Obama administration. It seems that our differences are nearly irreconcilable at this point.

Never was this more obvious than last week, when the nation watched President Donald Trump give his first address to Congress since his historic return to the White House. No matter what he said or who he honored, the Democrats sat in stony, seething silence (except Rep. Al Green (D-Texas), who yelled and shook his cane). There was nothing but glares from the left, even when a child with cancer was honored by the Secret Service. Many held signs of opposition; others wore pink to protest Trump’s attack on “women’s rights.”

On the other side of the audience, Republicans whooped, applauded, and stood as President Trump shared the victories of the administration and reiterated what’s still to come.

This is where we’re at.

Is reconciliation even on the table at this point?

In his recent op-ed, Steve Deace, BlazeTV host of the “Steve Deace Show,” argued that Democrats’ reaction to President Trump’s speech made one thing clear: “We can’t share a country with these people.”

Now he joins “Blaze News Tonight” host Jill Savage and Blaze Media senior politics editor and Washington correspondent Christopher Bedford to explain why he believes the only answer is to “defeat” the left.

“Why can’t we coexist with the left?” asks Jill.

“Well, number one: They won’t coexist with us,” says Deace, noting that it was the Obama administration specifically that ushered in the era of “everyone who disagrees with me is a racist, misogynist, xenophobic, homophobic bigot.”

The scary part is that “they’re sincere” when they call us these names. “It’s not just a labeling tactic,” says Deace.

“I didn’t want to admit it myself, because it would mean that politics in America has become a zero-sum game, and the minute it becomes a zero-sum game, now you’re talking about cold civil war kind of stuff,” he adds.

Sadly, “it’s very clear that we are there now.”

“I like to describe it as a worldview steel-cage match, where two worldviews enter and only one is coming out,” says Deace.

The Democrats, he explains, have adopted a worldview in which “ideology matters more than people.”

“Whenever you get to a point in any human endeavor where the ideology matters more than what’s best for human people, you have a cult, and I think that’s essentially what [Democrats] are now,” says Deace. “We cannot share a culture together.”

Christopher Bedford says that he has long had a feeling we would come to this point. It started back when ISIS was brutally murdering Christians and President Obama, at a Christian prayer breakfast, said something to the effect of “get off [your] high horse about gay rights and gay marriage.”

“That’s when I realized they hate us. They really do hate us. It’s not just dialogue. They want to destroy us … and this guy was supposed to be the great unifier; this was supposed to be someone who would bring us all together, who would heal the racial sins of America’s past and make it a great place, and he did the opposite,” he says, noting that Obama at least had the charisma to take diametrically opposed groups and form them into “a workable political coalition.”

But once his term ended, “the lunatics [began running] the asylum.”

Deace agrees. “Without that external packaging … the deal basically they’re offering the American people is: Unless you are a fan of “The View” or MSNBC, we’ve got nothing for you, literally nothing … and in fact, we not only offer you nothing, we hate your guts.”

To hear more of the conversation, watch the clip above.

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​Blaze news tonight, Blaze media, Blazetv, Steve deace, Steve deace show, Jill savage, Chris bedford, Trump speech, Democrats, Left vs right coexistence 

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