Freemasons TRIGGERED After Independent Journalist Infiltrates Lodge, Exposes Bizarre Rituals!

Estimated read time 5 min read

Undercover footage exposes bizarre rituals taking place inside Masonic lodges.

Independent journalist Kyle Clifton has continued to expose the bizarre rituals taking place inside of Freemason lodges, with lodge members taking notice and warning he’s not to be trusted.

In recent undercover videos posted by Clifton to X (formerly Twitter), Freemasons at a lodge in Arizona are observed carrying out a ceremony preparing a member for induction into the third Masonic degree.

As explained in a previous Infowars article on the subject, the ritual involves Masons acting out the story of Hiram Abiff, an artisan and chief architect and builder of King Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem who was murdered by three ruffians after he refused to reveal the secrets of the Master Mason degree.

The ceremony continues in Clifton’s latest videos, with Masons pretending to attempt to revive Abiff from death using secret handshakes.

💀⚰️ PART 3: I went undercover with a hidden camera to expose a Freemason Kabalah Ritual.

🫱🏻‍🫲🏼The resurrection is done with the various secret handshakes to indicate that only a Masters grip will raise him from the dead.

⏰ New video will be posted every 24hrs.

— Kyle – Undercover (@kyleisbased) November 18, 2023

“The resurrection is done with the various secret handshakes to indicate that only a Masters grip will raise him from the dead,” notes Clifton.

“The masonic oath & penalties are sworn over, essentially a Jewish Talmud. The 3 lamps are illuminated to mock our Holy Trinity,” another clip of the ceremony shows, according to Clifton.

☠️🕯️PART 4:
I went undercover with a hidden camera to expose a Freemason Ritual.

The masonic oath & penalties are sworn over, essentially a Jewish Talmud. The 3 lamps are illuminated to mock our Holy Trinity.

⏰ New vid will be posted every 24hrs to ensure max exposure.

— Kyle – Undercover (@kyleisbased) November 21, 2023

Evidently, Clifton ruffled some feathers within the organization and Masons are now sending letters to other members warning them of his videos and saying it exposes him as someone who cannot be trusted.

🚨 👻 An anonymous Freemason whistleblower has come forward with an internal memo that was sent to the Masonic Lodges.

They are not happy that we have spread their secret Talmudic ceremonies around the world.

Keep up the pressure!

— Kyle – Undercover (@kyleisbased) November 21, 2023

“One of our members has posted on social media videos of our ritual,” an internal letter obtained by Clifton reads. “This is a breach of trust and a violation of his obligation to the craft. He took an oath and could not keep it. The information he posted is not unknown to the internet; a simple search will find something similar. But his posting did expose him as someone who cannot be trusted more than it exposed our Fraternity.”

It continues: “The Grand Lodge is investigating this incident and will act upon the results according to the Arizona Masonic Code and legal advice from Grand Counsel. I request that you refrain from spreading any rumors, but if you have direct information about the posting send it to the Grand Secretary.”

We shudder to think what could happen to Mr. Clifton if he’s caught:

Clifton says he plans to continue releasing footage from inside the lodge, publishing one video every 24 hours.

The globalists are increasing their attacks on Infowars and the stakes have never been higher!

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