Pro-Palestine Group: The Goal Is a “Socialist Reconstruction of the United States of America”

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“Intifada revolution” is necessary in the US, claimed a speaker at a rally at George Washington University

At a rally for Gaza at George Washington University on Friday, a speaker made explicit the links between support for the Palestinians abroad and domestic communist revolution in the US.

“There’s only one solution, intifada revolution,” the speaker said to loud cheers, in a video posted to Twitter.

“We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America.” The cheers intensified.

The speaker’s identity is unclear at this time.

At a far-left rally for Gaza at George Washington U @GWtweets, an extremist on the microphone says: “There’s only one solution, intifada revolution. We must have a revolution so we can have a socialist reconstruction of the United States of America.”

— Andy Ngô 🏳️‍🌈 (@MrAndyNgo) April 27, 2024

On Friday, The New York Post ran a report claiming that George Soros and Soros-backed groups have funnelled significant amounts of money to some of the most prominent groups involved in the wave of protests that has spread across university campuses in the US.

Many of the protests, at places like Yale, Berkeley, the Ohio State University and Emory in Georgia, are being led by the Soros-funded group Students for Justice in Palestine or the US Campaign for Palestinian Rights.

The USCPR has received over $300,000 from Soros’ Open Society Foundations since 2017 and $355,000 from the Rockefeller Brothers Fund since 2019.

Huma Abedin and her boyfriend Alex Soros
Photo: Huma Abedin / Twitter

The Open Society Foundations are now controlled by George Soros’s son, Alex, who is dating the Human Abedin, Hillary Clinton’s closest aide and wife of the disgraced politician Anthony Weiner.

The Foundations are used to funnel large amounts of money to other groups like the Tides Foundation, which then distributes it to smaller groups like A Jewish Voice for Peace.

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