‘This, to me, is why Trump is winning’: Bill Maher blasts Dems’ speedy San Francisco cleanup for China’s President Xi

Bill Maher criticized the city of San Francisco and the government of California after the city’s usually dirty streets were cleaned up ahead of a state visit by China’s President Xi.

Maher told his panel on “Real Time with Bill Maher” how San Francisco miraculously cleaned up as it welcomed the Chinese leader, President Biden, and other foreign dignitaries recently.

“President Xi of China came to our state this week and met with Biden up in San Francisco, and they had a little summit,” Maher explained. “They did something very interesting in San Francisco; I have done many, many jokes, as many comedians have, about stepping in poop in San Francisco, and you know, it’s a city that needs to be put under control,” he continued.

“So they did! Because Xi was coming! Put aside the fact that you only clean up when company is coming over. Okay, so they cleaned it up, [they took] vagrants off the street, the homeless … God forbid the guy who sends us the fentanyl sees somebody on fentanyl.”

Bill Maher on the cleanup for APEC, fentanyl, and specifically China President Xi –> “God forbid the guy who sends us the fentanyl sees someone on fentanyl…”

— (@)

Maher then explained that he felt this to be one of the reasons why Biden has fallen behind President Trump in the polls.

“I want to try a theory out on you why Trump is killing it — not just within the party, but he’s beating Biden heavily too,” Maher said, according to the Washington Examiner.

“This, to me, is why Trump is winning, because he talks about, ‘I’m going to open up the mental hospitals.’ Again, I’m not saying these are necessarily a good solution,” Maher went on. “When he talks, ‘I’m gonna put people in camps, the immigrants,’ all this kind of stuff, and people just see a place — a country, especially in the cities that look out of control. And the fact that the Democrats could control it for three days, how about making it permanent?” he asked.

Despite attempts to clear drug addicts, garbage, excrement, and the city’s nearly 8,000 homeless from downtown San Francisco, a foreign reporter was still robbed at gunpoint.

Czech reporter Bohumil Vostal was in town for the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit when he was swarmed by three masked men, according to the San Francisco Chronicle.

“They were heading at my camera man, aiming a gun at his stomach, and one at my head,” the reported recalled.

The armed robbers made off with more than $18,000 worth of equipment.

Comedian Maher also joked about President Biden’s upcoming 81st birthday, calling it an occasion that is “very bad politically.”

“We’ve never had a president who’s 81. Doesn’t mean he can’t do it, I’m just saying. I like the guy, but I’m just saying if Joe Biden was a balcony I wouldn’t step out on him for a smoke.”

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​Bill maher, Gavin newsom, President xi, San francisco, Trump, News 

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