Streisand says: Stop watching Biden malfunction videos!

Who knew Barbra Streisand was so clueless about the Streisand effect?

Ever since 2003, when the superstar’s efforts to suppress an aerial photograph of her house inadvertently made it go viral, Babs has been the poster girl for the aforementioned principle of the internet age: The more you try to keep people from seeing something, the more they want to see it.

This week, Streisand demanded news outlets censor a New York Post story detailing President Joe Biden’s latest senior moment – wandering off during the G7 Summit.

“The NY Post is printing lies about President Biden. No other media outlets should amplify its disinformation,” Streisand amplified to her more than 800,000 followers on X.

We’re already seeing some journos “fact check” Biden’s walkabout as well as his onstage freeze-up at a recent Hollywood fundraiser with George Clooney and Julia Roberts. Chances are the mentions only make people seek out the original footage and draw their own conclusions.

How did she not see that coming …

Seinfeld smacks down Hamas hecklers

Jerry did it again.

The comic genius behind “Seinfeld” isn’t political on or offstage, but he couldn’t sit by while Hamas slaughtered Israeli innocents and dimwitted protesters chanted terrorist slogans.

That pro-Israel activism has enraged the usual suspects, who have been attending the comedian’s shows to give him a tongue lashing. Except said dimwits forgot they’re attacking a legend with truth and humor on his side.

Seinfeld’s latest smackdown came in Sydney, and Seinfeld let ‘em have it.

“It’s the Jewish comedians, that’s who we have to get. They’re the ones who are doing everything!” he continued. “Yeah, go ahead, keep going! They’re going to start punching you in about three seconds, so I would try and get all of your genius out so we can all learn from you.”

That’s better than anything any college administrator or Democratic pol (save Sen. John Fetterman) has said on the matter. And yes, there’s something very wrong with that …

Mel Gibson not ‘too old for this s**t’

Danny Glover’s famous line from 1987’s “Lethal Weapon” still makes us smile.

“I’m too old for this s**t,” Sgt. Murtaugh complains after meeting Sgt. Riggs, played by Mel Gibson. Imagine what he’ll say in the upcoming sequel.

Yes, we’ve already watched three more “Lethal” installments, but Gibson is promising a fifth film is still happening despite endless delays. Here’s the star’s update courtesy of the “Inspire Me” podcast.

“You know, Richard Donner who did the other four sadly passed away, and he was a good friend. He kind of tasked me with carrying the flag home on this one so it’ll be an honor for me to do that.”

Glover turns 78 next month. Gibson is 68. And you just known the screenwriters will work in that line some way. And we’ll all feel a lot older hearing it …

Just when you thought it was safe to tolerate Jon Stewart

You never know which Jon Stewart will show up these days.

Sometimes, you get the smart, sassy comic who takes on both sides. That’s pretty rare, to be blunt. Then, he’ll slip in an inconvenient truth, and you hope he’s rediscovered his comic soul.

And then you have this week’s version, where he alleges Donald Trump is as age-afflicted as President Joe Biden. Really.

The proof? Trump got the last name of his cognitive doctor wrong. It’s “Jackson,” not “Johnson.”

Stop the presses!

Meanwhile, Biden8.1 is malfunctioning daily. Glitches. Freezes. Word salads. Have they tried unplugging him and plugging him back in?

At some point Stewart has to pick a team – Reality or Propaganda. Sounds like he’s still mulling his options …

Non-woke sequel turns Disney’s decline ‘Inside Out’

Disney has a hit on its hands. Really.

The studio has become synonymous with duds of late, including “Lightyear,” “Strange World,” “Haunted Mansion,” “Indiana Jones: I’m REALLY Too Old for This S**t,” and “The Marvels.”

Disney’s “Inside Out 2,” the sequel to the beloved 2015 film, made a shocking $154 million on its opening weekend.

What changed?

The sequel dropped the culture war shenanigans, for one. No woke asides or lectures. The sequel banks on the original’s charms, too. Goodwill matters. Always.

So, will Team Disney learn any lessons from “Inside Out 2,” or will the folks who unleashed the woker-than-woke “The Acolyte” on us sway the Mouse House’s future?

As Yoda said, “The greatest teacher, failure is.”

​Toto recall, Christian toto, Culture, Gossip 

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